Cumulative Graduate Secret place Investments
Hours praying
in the Spirit
Hours in private worship
Books of the
Bible absorbed
24 hour
days fasting
Hours speaking
faith affirmations
Hours serving others selflessly
as of May 2023
...live YOUR purpose!
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From the Dean:
"My purpose in life is to raise as many people to the fullness of what Christ paid for them to have. It's that simple yet that complex simultaneously. If it came easy the world would be a different place and the church wouldn't be so powerless in the supernatural. If it came by a fellowship at church, the cities with mega-churches who have droves of attendance, wouldn’t have Christians dying of cancer in those assemblies. If the answer was bible college, then why do over 200 ministers leave the church world to take other jobs each MONTH? Statistically, the vast majority of graduates from a bible college [with the five-fold ministry focus] leave the ministry in their first 10 years – extremely few to ever return. (Source) The truth is what we think discipleship is and how we portray it as modern Christians, is so far removed from what the Word teaches, that the roots of most believers never sink deep enough to weather multiple storms! That's what we are called to change.
In August of 2017, I stepped into pastor a small-town church that helped co-found in 2016, in Blairsville, Pennsylvania. One of the first Spirit-led directives was to start a discipleship program to adequately prepare a person for the walk ahead. We are constantly adding every quarter, always improving, and continually listening for His direction to keep improving as this school develops. Our focus is always to emulate what Christ did in His 3 years of training His disciples and add some of the modern developments that propel us as people:​

To walk in the supernatural daily (i.e.: healing, deliverance, wisdom, hear Him continually)!
To prepare for the spiritual warfare, that hits us all, and know how to win!
To learn the lifestyle required to maintain a strong spiritual position with continual growth!
To fulfill all that He has purposed, planned, and called you into!
Applying and learning these main focus points cannot be done in a few weeks, nor is it accomplished by regular church attendance. You cannot apply and walk in these points simply by learning academia or solely on theological study. Being effective in overcoming the stagnant Christian walk is only wrought by teaching biblical lifestyle habits, demonstrating them, and applying them. It is also accomplished by learning the keys to spiritual development for intimacy and allowing room to flow in His presence in the moment – which requires hands-on small group settings. This is why we train warriors, not just public speakers. We train warriors in the business sector, warriors in the church, warriors on your local job, and warriors in the political arena - all are needed!
We offer a two-year program on a year-by-year schedule. We break the years into quarters for ease of reference and to help you attain your short-term goals. I can guarantee if you invest the two years into the program you will change your life and the life of those around you eternally. If you feel called to any form of ministry, we will do all we can to assist in placing you, help you found your own ministry/church, and support you in stepping out as much as possible, we do have the option to ordain you to ministry (certain guidelines must be met if the Spirit leads), and provide a ministerial covering if necessary. We want to journey with you, so we can ALL press into the deeper things of Christ!"


​Dr. J.P. Price
Chancellor & ​Dean of Students