"And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. (1 Corinthians 2:1-5)"

"Preaching is not a profession, it's a passion! If a man can't preach with passion he shouldn't preach at all!"
Leonard Ravenhill
This ministry He has graced me with is one with signs and wonders following; healings innumerable, even creative miracles and transformed lives! I've had the honor to see the Lord open deaf ears, blind eyes, heal stage 4 cancer instantly, broken families, inherited diseases, create new organs in folks, release people from multiple prescriptions and even transform hardened hearts into soft hearts again! Many of these healings are documented by these individuals doctors and have no problem making these documents available! All the glory is HIS, but I am honored that He found a worth in me to co-labor with Him, it was not something I saw in myself all those years ago...
I want to propel you into the spiritual as fast as you will allow the Holy Spirit to take you there! By His grace, we will hold nothing back that could launch you farther into His purpose for your life! Whether we meet in a conference, in a meeting, or at an event, those who seek more will receive more from Him! Let's work together, let's journey together and launch you into the deeper things of Christ; first in your being, and then it will project outward!"
"My purpose in life is to raise as many people to the fullness of what Christ paid for them to have. It's that simple, yet that complex simultaneously. If it came easy the world would be a different place and the church wouldn't be so powerless in the supernatural. If it came by fellowship at church, the cities with mega-churches who have droves of attendance, wouldn’t have Christians uncertain of the promise God has given them. The solution is a deeper impact of the power of the Kingdom, a more intimate relationship with our Lord, and the implanting of the fire that drives us to lay more down in pursuit of Him!
I live to serve the King, and when He leads our paths to cross, know that I am also here to serve you, your ministry, your family and your church. I do not take lightly any opportunity to impart the Kingdom. Nor do I dance around the Truth, in these last days Truth must be wrought from a heart of love and consistent with the harmony of God's unchanging character. God bless you, I look forward to walking with you and I pray that He directs our steps in the order He designed before the foundations of the world!

Mercy Hill Ministries is a people equipping and church planting fellowship. As a ministry we work to support those called to minister; domestically and internationally, creating a fellowship of support and family! Our command to equip others, co-labor and plant has been in the works since 2013! Mercy Hill is commissioned by Him to do everything we can to help you go deeper, run farther, endure the process and accomplish more for His glory! We work with individuals as well as ministers to spur that change and produce growth anywhere on the planet (www.MercyHillMinistry.org)!
Founder and Bishop/Overseer
Since June 2015
The "Ten For Them Foundation" is a non-religious 501c3 & 509a2 community service and charity organization. We exist to bridge the gap between the "comfortable" segment of society and those in need in our community! We are two hands outstretched (www.TenForThem.org).
Since August 2020
CMI Global exists as a fellowship of ministers and churches for the purpose of helping establish and strengthen the local church (www.CMIGlobal.info).
General member in good standing
Since August 2021
SO, WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? If you, as a Christian, desire to grow deeper in the Lord and see the power of the believer available and manifest (in your family and daily life), this school is for you! Or if you feel a call to the five-fold ministry then this school is also for you! We are willing to work with you outside of your denomination's limits. What we offer is discipleship as Christ commands, so you can be empowered as Christ wants, whether you are in ministry or not (www.EndureHardship.org).
Chancellor & Dean of Students
Since August 2017